Speaking Engagements

Naomi is available to speak on the following topics:

Storm Child: How The Witness Came to Be Written

Traumatic Stress: What It Is and What Recovery Looks Like

Creating Characters You’d Like to Meet

Naomi’s topics would be suitable for the following venues:

  • Women’s Groups
  • Church Groups
  • Library Groups
  • Writers’ Conferences
  • Book Fairs

Please contact us to start a dialogue for having Naomi speak to your group.

RECENT APPEARANCES: In March, Naomi spoke about The Witness: The Book, the Backstory, and the Writer’s Life to the Book Review Club at the Bent Tree Country Club. In April, she addressed the Adult Book Review Club at the McKinney, TX Public Library. In May, she spoke to the Dallas Woman’s Forum at the Alexander Mansion.

McKinney, TX Library Adult Book Review Program
McKinney, TX Library Adult Book Review Program
Statue of Justice on the Old Bailey Courthouse, London