Storm Child: How The Witness Came to Be Written
I never intended to write a book. I lived in a small town in South Mississippi. I read books and reviewed books, but I never thought I’d write one.

The Self-Help Novel: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Note: This month’s blog is being guest written by my husband, Larry, who is President of Your Finest Hour Leadership Programs. He was a career naval officer, private school administrator and teacher, and for the last seventeen years

The Journey of Traumatic Grief in The Mission
Traumatic grief illuminated in The Mission gives new understanding to a form of grief due to sudden, unexpected loss.

Summer: In London and in Life
Most consider summer a season with a slower pace. After a busy spring, we catch our collective breath. We look back and

Not too long ago, I had a dream in which I was preparing to speak to a group about my novel, The Witness. While I was gathering my papers, an argument broke out between

A New Look at FDR’s Four Freedoms
Jennifer Jeffries, the protagonist in The Witness, was the victim of a brutal attack during a visit to London. Her physical injuries healed slowly, but the emotional damage she suffered was even more difficult and enduring.

A Writer’s ABC
All writing begins as a shadow, a faint image, a specter without substance. Then something steps out of the mist and engages a living mind. What is

Writing is a Relationship
Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, “‘Tis the good reader that makes the good book.” That’s an eloquent way to voice the belief that writers and readers are

Time Past, Present, and Future
According to Sir James Barrie, author of Peter Pan, “God gave us memory that we might have roses in December.” He viewed memory as a gift, something meant to